I watched a video on YouTube recently about squatting, more specifically how you SHOULD do it. The video simplified squat form down to a couple simple things. The starting position for the bar should be mid-foot when viewed from the side. Second, the bar should travel in a vertical straight line along that point for the entire range of the squat.
I have always had issues with squatting and blame it mostly on my awkward, stork like proportions. Not only do I have very long legs, I have bowed knees and tight hips to boot. With lighter weight I am able to maintain what feels/looks like solid form. However as soon as I get heavier with the weight I start suffering from forward lean at the bottom of the rep which is not only incorrect form but potentially dangerous for your back.
Today with my squats I really tried to focus on balanced, straight up and down reps. However once I got to 225lbs I once again bailed after my second rep which had all sorts of front lean in it, causing me to strain to get to top position. Despite my frustration I will keep trying to apply proper form to my unconventional dimensions.
I had a scary moment doing deadlifts. After pulling 335lbs off the deck cleanly and smoothly I slapped another 10 pound plate on each side with thought of adding a third 10 pounder next. For whatever reason the extra 20 pounds felt like a ton. I struggled mightily during the middle portion of the lift with the bar almost coming to a dead stop. My peripheral vision started to fade as I strained mightily to attain lock out position. I was disappointed in that effort and puzzled why 20 pounds felt like that much of a difference. I have pulled 365 several times in the last few months and felt less on the verge of passing out.
Today’s Workout
5 minutes cardio/stretching
Barbell squat – 135lbs x 10, 185lbs x 8, 225lbs x 2
Barbell deadlift – 225lbs x 10, 315lbs x 3, 335lbs x 1, 355lbs x 1, 315lbs x 3
Seated leg extension – 115lbs x 10, 145lbs x 8
Seated leg curl – 115lbs x 10, 145lbs x 5
Standing calf raise – 250lbs x 12