I jammed four body parts again into today’s workout due to the short week.  Although I don’t think each individual body part gets as much work when this goes down, overall I feel like I get a better workout from the constant supersetting with minimal rest.  My tricep numbers look low because I am trying to work around elbow pain that comes with high weight/high leverage movements across the elbow.




Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

15 pull ups

Seated dumbbell shoulder press – 45lbs x 10

Seated lat pull down – 130lbs x 10

Standing tricep pushdown – 60lbs x 10

Standing cable curl – 105lbs x 10

Seated dumbbell shoulder press – 55lbs x 10

Seated lat pull down – 170lbs x 10

Standing tricep pushdown – 70lbs x 10

Standing cable curl – 120lbs x 10

Seated dumbbell shoulder press – 65lbs x 4

Seated lat pull down – 210lbs x 8

Standing tricep pushdown – 85lbs x 5

Standing cable curl – 135lbs x 8

Standing alternating dumbbell lateral raise – 20lbs x 12

Seated low row – 200lbs x 5

Standing one arm overhead tricep extension – 20lbs x 15

Seated dumbell curl – 50lbs x 3