barbell-rollout[1]Today I did a hybrid workout.  I combined three rounds of Ray’s Way with core exercises, doing a different core movement in between my RW movements.  One of those core movements was L-sit holds.  I was very disappointed in my ability to still perform the movement, I could only hold it for a couple seconds compared to my 15-20 second hold I have on tape in my YouTube library.  It just reenforced in my head I need to get back to more calisthenics basics.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

18 pull ups

20 hanging knee raises

15 dips

Floor L-seat hold

20 push ups

Hanging L-seat hold

10 pull ups

10 ab wheel roll outs

15 dips

2 dragon flags (bad hand grip)

20 push ups

20 hanging knee raises

15 dips

Hanging L-seat hold

20 push ups

10 ab wheel roll outs