So the renovation at Planet Fitness is now pretty much wrapped up.  The space definitely appears more modern and functional.  The one thing that didn’t change are the gym patrons.  Every single day I see, hear or smell something that just makes me “wtf” inside.

Today my nose took the first hit as I walked towards the free weights.  At first I thought it was the young man and woman that was nearby that reeked of BO.  However a quick glance of the immediate circumference revealed that none other than stinky trainer from Retro was on a nearby machine.  Despite wearing a sweatsuit “outfit” his stench still managed to waft over 20 feet in every direction.  I was hoping the guy gave up stinking up gyms for good but I guess I am not that fortunate.

My attention then turned to the young black man that was wearing a wife beater undershirt, dress shorts, and a fedora style hat as he moved around some very light dumbbells. He also was wearing a belt that looked like it was made out of several bandanas that were tied together.

I turn around and there is a guy with a physique similar to the guy in white shorts in the picture.  He was wearing a plain white undershirt, had wireless white Beats headphones and used absolutely awful form despite using very light weights.  He accentuated the silliness by exhaling and grunting loudly as he completed his last swinging bicep curl rep with the 25 pounders.  He also did not grasp the concept of not doing your sets 8 inches from the dumbbell racks, effectively cutting off access for anyone else during your hardcore set.

Finally there was an older bald man, probably in his 60’s.  He wears what looks to be prescription sunglasses but they must not be the type that adjust the tint indoors as they are quite dark.  He always wears sweatpants.  When he does his various exercises he constantly makes a rumbling noise almost like he is clearing his throat which sounds really strange.  However what moved him to blog worthy subject matter was after he did his set of curls on the cable machine he promptly pulled up his t-shirt to his nipples while he smacked his stomach while looking in the wall mirrors.  Perhaps this was his way to measure his current state of beach body worthiness.  I’m not sure, I just know it made me laugh.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

15 neutral grip pull ups

Seated dumbbell bicep curl – 25lbs x 12

Seated overhead dumbbell tricep extension – 50lbs x 10

Seated dumbbell bicep curl – 40lbs x 8

Seated overhead dumbbell tricep extension – 65lbs x 10

Seated dumbbell bicep curl – 50lbs x 4

Seated overhead dumbbell tricep extension – 75lbs x 6

Recline dumbbell hammer curl – 30lbs x 10

Standing tricep cable push down – 80lbs x 10

Recline dumbbell hammer curl – 35lbs x 10

Standing tricep cable push down – 90lbs x 10

Recline dumbbell hammer curl – 40lbs x 8

Standing tricep cable push down – 110lbs x 10