harris-squat1I decided to do a conventional lower body weight workout today instead of a run/ride brick.  It just felt like a better option for me this week.  I got a late start anyway so I wouldn’t have the time to run, ride and take the required shower afterward.




Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

Barbell squat – 135lbs x 10, 185lbs x 5, 185lbs x 5

Seated leg extension – 115lbs x 10

Seated leg curl – 115lbs x 10

Standing calf raise – 250lbs x 10

Seated leg extension – 130lbs x 10

Seated leg curl – 130lbs x 10

Standing calf raise – 265lbs x 10

Seated leg extension – 145lbs x 8

Seated leg curl – 145lbs x 8

Standing calf raise – 290lbs x 8