So once again today during my chest pushing session I felt weak with poor endurance. I am still attributing it to my prednisone prescription which I thankfully should be done with by the end of the week. It was prescribed to me as a possible aid in my right ear problem. Although I haven’t noticed any significant improvement with the ear I have noticed that I have been sleeping like shit and my strength at the gym has tailed off significantly.
I struggled hard to get my 20 pull ups at the start of the workout and even harder pushing amounts of weight I have been able to coast with in the past. I just worked until the edge of muscle failure, regardless of how much that edge has shifted downward.
Today’s Workout
5 minutes cardio/stretching
20 pull ups
Dumbbell chest press – 50lbs x 12, 70lbs x 10, 80lbs x 8, 90lbs x 3, 70lbs x 10
Pec dec – 130lbs x 10, 170lbs x 8, 190lbs x 5
Decline barbell bench press – 135lbs x 10, 185lbs x 5, 205lbs x 2
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