If you think blog entries here are representative of my workout schedule you would unfortunately be mislead.  I am still getting to the gym pretty much every weekday but time constraints because of other responsibilities has precluded me from being able to record stuff consistently.  I’m still hitting the gym as hard as I can while trying to walk the fine line between intensity and injury.  The line seems to get smaller and smaller each year I am on the planet,.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

20 pull ups

50 push ups

Hanging knee raises x 20

Standing oblique rotations x 20

Hanging knee raises x 20

Standing oblique rotations x 20

Hanging knee raises x 20

Standing oblique rotations x 20

Seated straight arm weighted ab crunch – 110lbs x 10, 130lbs x 8, 150lbs x 5

10 pull ups