Not that this blog gets a lot of views but it has been abandoned for a couple weeks due to a hectic work schedule that saw me not able to even get to the gym for over a week and still being too busy after that to take a breath.

Despite not doing formal gym work during that time I found my body hurting at normal or even slightly above normal levels during that time.  It seems like more often than not I am unconsciously groaning when going from seated to standing positions.  Shit just hurts but hey, I’m almost 50. Show me a 50 year old that has no aches and pains and I will show you someone that is lying.

The gym is full bore into their renovation making for a very crowded and noisy workout experience.  As they are renovating sections they are relocating the machines that were in that section to any free space they can jam it into.  At least the sound of power tools drowns out the crappy music they normally play.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

15 pull ups

60 second wall handstand

10 pull ups

60 second wall handstand

10 pull ups

60 second wall handstand

Seated supinated row – 160lbs x 10

Standing behind the back barbell shoulder shrug – 160 pounds x 10

Seated supinated row – 180lbs x 10

Standing behind the back barbell shoulder shrug – 200 pounds x 8

Seated supinated row – 200lbs x 6

Standing behind the back barbell shoulder shrug – 250 pounds x 6

60 second pull up – 20 sec chin over bar, 20 sec head to bar, 20 sec dead hang