For the second week in a row I have had unusual amounts of pushing power compared to what has been the norm the last six months or more. Today doing decline bench press I went all the way up to 240 pounds, unspotted. 240 pounds matches the most weight I have pressed off me in a half decade or more. It is also the first time I ever recall doing that amount of weight on decline bench. I did have more shoulder discomfort this week than last but at least for now I am enjoying this unexpected surge of strength.
I added another two laps to my run on Sunday. I have a little IT/knee soreness today but not enough for a limp.
Today’s Workout
5 minutes cardio/stretching
Decline barbell bench press – 135lbs x 10, 185lbs x 5, 205lbs x 3, 225lbs x 1, 235lbs x 1, 240lbs x 1, 225lbs x 2, 205lbs x 5, 185lbs x 10, 185lbs x 8, 135lbs x 15
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