I still have an overall general rotten feeling from whatever illness is trying to grab hold of me but I still got my ass to the gym for a lower body, bi, and tri hybrid session.  My endurance felt off as I would expect.  I got a nasty burning sensation across my right elbow during my last set of hammer grip prone tricep extensions.  It reminded of how my left elbow felt when I hurt it as a pitcher in high school.  Hopefully this was just a “hey your old” reminder and not anything of lasting significance.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

20 pull ups

Hack squat – 135lbs x 10

Seated alternating dumbbell curl – 25lbs x 10

Prone dumbbell hammer tricep extension – 25lbs x 10

Hack squat – 185lbs x 8

Seated alternating dumbbell curl – 40lbs x 8

Prone dumbbell hammer tricep extension – 30lbs x 10

Hack squat – 225lbs x 4

Seated alternating dumbbell curl – 50lbs x 3

Prone dumbbell hammer tricep extension – 35lbs x 8

Seated leg extension – 115lbs x 10

Seated leg curl – 115lbs x 10

Standing calf raise – 220lbs x 10

Seated leg extension – 130lbs x 10

Seated leg curl – 130lbs x 10

Standing calf raise – 265lbs x 10

Seated leg extension – 145lbs x 8

Seated leg curl – 145lbs x 8

Standing calf raise – 290lbs x 10