hanging-knee-raises[1]Since today was the last of my gym week I did an unconventional combo.  I started off with 20 pull ups followed by 50 push ups.  I then did a century circuit consisting of 40 deep air squats, 30 push ups, 20 hanging knee raises, and 10 pull ups.  Doing the century after the opening pull ups and push ups made it a gasp fest, taking much longer than normal.

I finished up with some shoulder work.  I am not really worried about having a short gym week since tomorrow I am planning to trim all of the trees on my property which is an all day back breaking endeavor which will burn calories by the hundreds.



Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

20 pull ups

50 push ups

40 deep body squats

30 push ups

20 hanging knee raises

10 pull ups

Seated Cybex plate loaded shoulder press – 200lbs x 8

Behind the back standing barbell shoulder shrug – 225lbs x 10

Seated Cybex plate loaded shoulder press – 250lbs x 5

Behind the back standing barbell shoulder shrug – 275lbs x 8