Because I was out of the office yesterday I have another abbreviated week at the gym.  I literally can not tell you the last time I had a normal, 5 day gym week last.  I again combined legs, bi’s and tri’s into the rapid fire session.  Although those body parts are not normally combined, supersetting between the three seemed effective.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

20 pull ups

Squat press – 315lbs x 10

Seated dumbbell curl – 25lbs x 12

Seated overhead dumbbell tricep extension – 50lbs x 12

Squat press – 405lbs x 10

Seated dumbbell curl – 40lbs x 8

Seated overhead dumbbell tricep extension – 60lbs x 10

Squat press – 495lbs x 8

Seated dumbbell curl – 50lbs x 3

Seated overhead dumbbell tricep extension – 75lbs x 5

Squat press 585lbs x 3

Standing dumbbell preacher curl 30lbs x 9

Standing rope tricep push down – 110lbs x 10

Seated leg extension 130lbs x 10

Seated leg curl 130lbs x 10

Standing calf raise – 280lbs x 12