Because of my short gym week I had to condense four body parts into one session today.  To make it more manageable I alternated between a pushing and pulling movement.  I felt pretty weak across the board, most noticeably with overhead dumbbell shoulder press where I struggled mightily to get 60 pounds for three reps.  When I was at what used to be”normal” strength levels I was getting three reps with 70 pounders.

I have had persistent pain in both of my wrists for quite awhile.  It is most evident when I do my normal anti-tendonitis stretches during warm up.  Unfortunately the pain is the end result of my electric unicycle hobby or more specifically the part of the hobby that involves falling off.  Early on in the learning process I fell a lot and several of those times were quite hard, with my wrists absorbing the impact.  At first I did not have proper wrist guards (I do now) so I was lucky I didn’t break something in the process.  So although I don’t think I broke anything, I certainly have done some sort of damage as this pain has persisted for over two months at this point.

I had a small fall the other day and even with the wrist guards on it hurt pretty bad, I don’t think I had them strapped as tight as I should have.  Just like most injuries/ailments I have, until it gets debilitating I am just going to roll with it.  The wrist pain isn’t stopping me from doing what I want to do, yet.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

15 pull ups

Bodyweight dips x 20

Seated dumbbell dumbbell curls – 25lbs x 10

Seated overhead dumbbell shoulder press – 40lbs x 10

Bent over one arm dumbbell row – 75lbs x 10

Bodyweight dips x 20

Seated dumbbell dumbbell curls – 40lbs x 8

Seated overhead dumbbell shoulder press – 50lbs x 8

Bent over one arm dumbbell row – 80lbs x 10

Bodyweight dips x 20

Seated dumbbell dumbbell curls – 50lbs x 3

Seated overhead dumbbell shoulder press – 60lbs x 3

Bent over one arm dumbbell row – 85lbs x 8