This weekend my girlfriend and I got a lot of “exercise” in the form of home project labor. I built a new door for the chicken coop run and we laid another 60 castle stones as a border around the side of the house. For good measure we did a 20 mile bike ride on Sunday. The combination of it all left me feeling achy and sore at the gym before I even touched a weight.
It reflected in my bench pressing numbers. I had to have my buddy offer a slight assist when I stalled at 235 pounds. Luckily I had collars on this time to prevent another embarrassing weight dump catastrophe. The front of both shoulders just felt like they were not up to pushing movements.
I am hoping my bench numbers slowly start to creep upwards where they were before my strength sucking illness of over a month ago.
Today’s Workout
5 minutes cardio/stretching
Barbell bench press – 135lbs x 10, 185lbs x 5, 225lbs x 1, 235lbs x 1, 225lbs x 1, 205lbs x 4, 185lbs x 8, 185lbs x 7, 135lbs x 15, 135lbs x 14
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