20130730162017-weighted-pull-ups_(3)[1]I had a good chunk of my workout time unexpectedly taken up by catching up with a gym buddy of mine that I had not seen in well over 6 months.  It was all good, I have known him since way back at my Powerhouse Gym days in the early 2000’s.  Our schedules don’t match up much anymore so it was good to see him.

With the limited time I had I decided to do some weighted pull ups, something I haven’t dusted off in awhile.  My numbers weren’t terrible as I maxed out with one pull with 70 pounds between my legs.  At the apex of my pulling strength I think the most I ever got was 85 or 90lbs for one.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

10 pull ups

Seated Cybex shoulder press – 90lbs x 12

Pull ups + 25lbs x 7

Seated Cybex shoulder press – 110lbs x 10

Pull ups + 45lbs x 4

Seated Cybex shoulder press – 130lbs x 8

Pull ups + 65lbs x 1

Standing behind the back Smith machine shoulder shrug – 225lbs x 10

Pull ups + 70lbs x 1

Standing behind the back Smith machine shoulder shrug – 275lbs x 8

10 pull ups

Standing behind the back Smith machine shoulder shrug – 315lbs x 5