maxresdefault[1]Today was tricep and bicep day.  Nothing terribly exciting occurred although I threw in three sets of bar dips for the first time in eons and curled 50 pound dumbbells for 5 reps per arm.




Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

17 pull ups

Seated alternating dumbbell curls 25lbs x 12

Seated overhead dumbbell tricep extension – 60lbs x 10

Seated alternating dumbbell curls 40lbs x 8

Seated overhead dumbbell tricep extension – 70lbs x 10

Seated alternating dumbbell curls 50lbs x 5

Seated overhead dumbbell tricep extension – 80lbs x 6

10 pull ups

Standing single arm dead hang dumbbell curl – 25lbs x 10 (each arm)

Bodyweight bar dips x 10

Standing single arm dead hang dumbbell curl – 35lbs x 8 (each arm)

Bodyweight bar dips x 10

Standing single arm dead hang dumbbell curl – 40lbs x 8 (each arm)

Bodyweight bar dips x 10

10 pull ups