One of the more impressive core exercises is doing a full ab wheel roll out on your toes as opposed to on your knees. Even the knee variety is quite tough if you are getting your body down to floor level. I have never been able to do a full ab wheel extension but it was always one of my wishlist items.
Today I tried to start working towards it by doing negatives. Basically I was just trying to control the descent for as long as possible. Once my chest got somewhere around 12 inches off the floor I wouldn’t be able to hold it and I’d crash to the mat. If things progress as they should that crash should get less and less severe as time goes on until that magic moment where I can actually stop the descent altogether and one day even reverse it.
Today’s Workout
5 minutes cardio/stretching
20 pull ups
30 hanging knee raises
10 ab wheel rollouts (knees)
5 full ab wheel rollout negatives (feet)
30 hanging knee raises
Roman chair back extensions x 15
Cybex straight arm ab crunch – 110lbs x 10
Roman chair back extensions x 15
Cybex straight arm ab crunch – 150lbs x 10
Roman chair back extensions x 15
30 hanging knee raises
20 standing rotary dowel twists
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