maxresdefault[1]Today in my second week of bench pressing with my gym buddy we had immediate access to one of the benches so we were able to include a 1RM in the sets.  For me, pushing up 225 with no hands on the bar was a first for me in several months.  Derek was able to push the weight as well, easier than I could.  Both of us could have probably gotten 230 but we called clean 225 as a good one rep max starting point.

We dropped down to 185 for the meat of the workout.  I set another recent high water mark, getting 10 reps at 185 after the 1RM, the most 185 reps in one set I have done in a long time.  It was a good session, having someone there to push me lights the fire inside.

Today’s Workout

Barbell bench press – 135lbs x 10, 185lbs x 5, 205lbs x 1, 215lbs x 1, 225lbs x 1, 185lbs x 10, 185lbs x 8, 185lbs x 6, 135lbs x 15, 135lbs x 12

Dumbbell flat bench fly – 40lb x 10, 40lbs x 10, 40 lbs x 10

Dumbell flat bench pullovers – 55lbs x 10, 55lbs x 10, 55lbs x 12