Once again when I did squats I felt an odd, but less prominent sensation on the upper back of my left leg. It kept my squat reps ridiculously small but I didn’t really care. Dead lifts are the star of Wednesdays.
I had it in my head that I wanted to up my top end five rep sets to 325 pounds. Last week I did 315 and the best I ever did 3×5 was 320 over a month ago.
On the first two sets at 325 I stopped after 4 reps. The weight felt heavy and I felt a little unsure of myself. Before the third set I got sidelined into a gym conversation so I had some extra rest. I pulled the full five reps on the last set.
I really need to bring my phone with to video some of these high weight sets so I can get a better handle on how good/bad my form is when dealing with more weight.
Today’s Workout
5 minutes cardio/stretching
15 prisoner squats
135 pound barbell squat – 12 reps
185 pound barbell squat – 5 reps
225 pound deadlift – 10 reps
275 pound deadlift – 5 reps
325 pound deadlift – 4 reps
325 pound deadlift – 4 reps
325 pound deadlift – 5 reps
Leg extension – 130 pounds x 12
Prone leg curl – 110 pounds x 10
Standing calf raise – 295 pounds x 8
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