qtq80-CvF4E5I am on schedule to have my first full five day gym week in quite awhile.  As part of that I did lower body, bi’s and tri’s, which has become my normal Wednesday coupling.

I did barbell squats for the first time in several weeks.  Even though I kept the weight very light I am sure I going to be feeling it the next couple days.  Doing lower body the day after running used to be out of the question.  Luckily I have been able to use consistent lower body stretching, particularly the IT band area, to allow me to bounce back quickly.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

Barbell squat – 135lbs x 10

Standing barbell curl – 50lbs x 12

Standing overhead barbell tricep extension – 50lbs x 12

Barbell squat – 135lbs x 10

Standing barbell curl – 70lbs x 10

Standing overhead barbell tricep extension – 60lbs x 10

Barbell squat – 135lbs x 10

Standing barbell curl – 80lbs x 8

Standing overhead barbell tricep extension – 70lbs x 8

Seated leg extension – 115lbs x 110

Prone leg curl – 90lbs x 10

Standing one arm side curl – 40lbs x 10

Standing one arm tricep extension supinated grip – 40lbs x 10

Seated leg extension – 145lbs x 110

Prone leg curl – 110lbs x 10

Standing one arm side curl – 50lbs x 10

Standing one arm tricep extension supinated grip – 50lbs x 8