bullet-points-bg[1]The last time I used my Fat Gripz was when I still went to Royal Fitness, close to a year and a half ago.  I used them today for arms day which is now replacing the Wednesday brick I had been doing for awhile.  Sure it’s nice to get that extra cardio in but from a strength/aesthetics viewpoint I would rather get more resistance training in.

My arm work has really suffered since trying to cram shoulders/bi’s/tri’s/back into one day with my old schedule.   I can tell the difference in how my arms look from getting significantly less reps per week..

It also makes a difference having dumbbells that go up to 120lbs (75 at PF) and barbells that scale to 110lbs (60lbs at PF).  My arms were confused when I asked them to curl an 80 pound bar.  Adding the Fat Gripz into the equation puts more shock value into the workout.  I tried to work at a relatively quick pace, supersetting between biceps and tricep movements to keep some element of cardio to the workout.

I also did some weighted dips, all the way up to 80 lbs for one rep.  I am trying to build a gradual ramp back towards my 2011-2012 fitness levels.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

20 pull ups

Seated Fat Gripz dumbell curls – 25lbs x 10

Bodyweight dips x 20

Seated Fat Gripz dumbell curls – 40lbs x

Bodyweight dips + 40lbs x 8

Seated Fat Gripz dumbell curls – 50lbs x 2

Bodyweight dips + 60lbs x 5

Standing Fat Gripz barbell curl – 60lbs x 10

Bodyweight dips + 80lbs x 1

Standing Fat Gripz barbell curl – 70lbs x 8

Bodyweight dips x 20

Standing Fat Gripz barbell curl – 80lbs x 5

Bodyweight tricep extensions x 8

Seated behind the head concentration curl on lat pull down cable – 30lbs x 12

Bodyweight tricep extensions x 8

Seated behind the head concentration curl on lat pull down cable – 40lbs x 10