1010775_262044753955071_2101972211_n[1]Today I tried another routine posted by my buddy Steve and his Fitness for Miracles page on Facebook.  The last time I tried one I didn’t do very well, not being able to even complete the advised amount of reps for certain exercises.

This time around I was able to do all movements for the suggested amount of reps although I only had time to get through 2 circuits.  It was a very good push/pull work out with a side order of grip and core work thrown on top.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

6 decline push ups with 10 second hold at the bottom

6 wide pull ups with 10 second hold at top

6 diamond push ups with 5 sec hold at top and bottom

6 wide grip Australian pull ups with 10 second hold at top

6 staggered hand position push ups (both sides) with 5 second hold at bottom

6 scalpula pull ups 5 second hold with scalpula supinated (retracted), 5 second dead hang

60 second ass to grass squat hold

6 decline push ups with 10 second hold at the bottom

6 wide pull ups with 10 second hold at top

6 diamond push ups with 5 sec hold at top and bottom

6 wide grip Australian pull ups with 10 second hold at top

6 staggered hand position push ups (both sides) with 5 second hold at bottom

6 scalpula pull ups 5 second hold with scalpula supinated (retracted), 5 second dead hang

60 second ass to grass squat hold