I have been noticing the last few days some pain in my right forearm that feels like mild tendonitis, a condition I suffered chronically from for at least couple years during my calisthenics heyday.  I’m not quite sure what would have caused the flare up and I have never stopped doing the daily 5 minutes of forearm stretching to keep the condition from returning.  I hope to just keep stretching and avoid movements that aggravate it for a bit.  Of course most of what I did today was aggravating.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

15 strict pull ups

Seated dumbbell curl – 25lbs x 10

Seated overhead tricep extension with ez-curl bar – 50lbs x 10

Seated dumbbell curl – 40lbs x 8

Seated overhead tricep extension with ez-curl bar – 60lbs x 10

Seated dumbbell curl – 50lbs x 3

Seated overhead tricep extension with ez-curl bar – 70lbs x 8

Dead hang standing bicep curl – 25lbs x 10

Standing rope tricep push down – 60lbs x 10

Dead hang standing bicep curl – 30lbs x 10

Standing rope tricep push down – 60lbs x 10

Dead hang standing bicep curl – 35lbs x 10

Static pull up hold x 45 sec