I just realized within the last 24-48 hours that I haven’t been walking with the small limp that has been my sidekick for the last 6-7 weeks.  It seems the knee/IT band pain that was causing it has subsided, hopefully due in part to my daily lower body stretching.  I of course immediately put my lower body to the test today doing a more or less normal leg day.  We will see how I feel the next couple days as a result.  My hope is I might even get back out on the track this weekend for a run.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

Hack squat – 135lbs x 10, 185lbs x 10, 225lbs x 5

Seated leg extension – 115lbs x 10

Seated leg curl – 115lbs x 10

Standing calf raise – 205lbs x 10

Seated leg extension – 130lbs x 10

Seated leg curl – 130lbs x 10

Standing calf raise – 250lbs x 10

Seated leg extension – 145lbs x 8

Seated leg curl – 145lbs x 8

Standing calf raise – 295lbs x 8