Today I worked on shoulders and back.  I always find it odd that my shoulder can be killing me doing bench press but I am still able to do overhead shoulder work with relatively little problem.  It’s all about angles and clearance I guess.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

Cybex plate loaded shoulder press – 110lbs x 10

Front lat pull down – 150lbs x 10

Cybex plate loaded shoulder press – 200lbs x 8

Front lat pull down – 180lbs x 10

Cybex plate loaded shoulder press – 250lbs x 8

Front lat pull down – 210lbs x 6

Standing straight arm side lateral raise – 20lbs x 10

Seated wide grip low row – 150lbx 10

Standing straight arm side lateral raise – 20lbs x 10

Seated wide grip low row – 165lbx 8

Standing straight arm side lateral raise – 20lbs x 10

Seated wide grip low row – 180lbx 6

Static wall handstand hold x 60 sec

Standing behind the back barbell shoulder shrug – 205lbs x 10, 295lbs x 6