One week ago I hurt my right elbow doing tricep extensions.  Today I was very careful to not do anything tricep-wise that used the joint as a flimsy hinge.  I felt ok as long as I was doing tricep pressing exercises where the elbow is sharing the load instead of bearing the brunt of it.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

20 pull ups

Seated alternating dumbbell curls – 25lbs x 10

Neutral grip dumbbell flat bench tricep press – 40lbs x 10

Seated alternating dumbbell curls – 40lbs x 8

Neutral grip dumbbell flat bench tricep press – 50lbs x 10

Seated alternating dumbbell curls – 50lbs x 3

Neutral grip dumbbell flat bench tricep press – 60lbs x 8

Standing one arm preacher curl – 25lbs x 10

Bodyweight dips x 15

Standing one arm preacher curl – 30lbs x 8

Bodyweight dips x 15

Standing one arm preacher curl – 35lbs x 5

Bodyweight dips x 15