push-ups[1]So for a few weeks I have been starting my Friday workouts with a max push ups set.  My goal has been to try to add +1 rep to that total each week.  Up to and including this week I have been successful in doing so (63 today) but it is getting very tough to keep ascending, even slowly.

The set usually has the first 43-44 push ups done without stopping.  After that they get broken down into smaller chunks of first 3 push ups, then two, then singles, with short stops in between.  The last 10 or so are extremely nasty since they are all single reps and the rest of my body starts to complain from holding the top plank position for so long.  I will keep adding +1 until my body says + done.

I spent a decent amount of time talking to an old gym buddy that joined back up, sue me.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

63 push ups

Ab roll outs (knees) – normal grip x 10

Hanging knee raises x 20

Ab roll outs (knees) – narrow grip x 10

P bar knee raises x 20

Ab roll outs (knees) – wide grip x 10

Elbow knee raises + 25lbs dumbbell x 8

Standing dowel torso rotations x 20