wall-plank[1]Today I incorporated wall planks into my core workout although my position was more horizontal with my hands further in front of my head than these pictures.  The 60 second holds got progressively harder and tremor filled as they went on.

I scratched out 62 push ups to start the workout.  Boy those last 10 or so reps are uncomfortable.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

62 push ups

20 hanging knees raises

Wall plank hold x 60 seconds

Standing 1 arm weighted oblique side crunch – 45lbs x 10

Wall plank hold x 60 seconds

Standing 1 arm weighted oblique side crunch – 65lbs x 10

Wall plank hold x 60 seconds

Standing 1 arm weighted oblique side crunch – 85lbs x 10

15 second static dragon flag hold

Standing straight arm trunk rotations x 20

15 second static dragon flag hold

Standing straight arm trunk rotations x 20

30 second static dragon flag hold

Standing straight arm trunk rotations x 20