Chest-dip-2-e1412934812144[1]Today was bi’s and tri’s day.  I felt pretty decent both pulling and pushing.  The highlight of the session was getting two dip reps with an 85 pound dumbbell between my knees.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

Standing alternating dumbbell curls – 25lbs x 10

Bodyweight dips x 30

Standing alternating dumbbell curls – 40lbs x 8

Bodyweight dips + 45lbs x 8

Standing alternating dumbbell curls – 50lbs x 4

Bodyweight dips + 65lbs x 5

Standing one arm preacher curls – 25lbs x 10

Bodyweight dips + 85lbs x 2

Standing one arm preacher curls – 30lbs x 10

Standing one arm overhead tricep extension – 20lbs x 10

Standing one arm preacher curls – 40lbs x 4

Standing one arm overhead tricep extension – 25lbs x 10

Standing cable machine curl – 120lbs x 10

Standing one arm overhead tricep extension – 30lbs x 8