561316_10152190192397841_106124517_nI have had a difficult last few days as the older of my two dogs, Nicki, was at the vet and eventually passed away early yesterday morning.  Her death is an emotional thing for me since I have never had any children, my pets take that role in my life.  You can read more details about it in my main blog if you choose to.

Anyway, I started out my workout with push ups and decided to keep pushing to a recent personal best for one set of 60 chest to floor reps.  Even though the last few reps were a struggle all I had to do was convert some of that emotional pain into anger which translates into effort.  Man, I am going to miss her….



Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

60 push ups

20 hanging knee raises

Dragon flags x 5

Standing weighted oblique crunch – 45lbs x 10

Dragon flags x 5

Standing weighted oblique crunch – 65lbs x 10

Dragon flags x 5

Standing weighted oblique crunch – 85lbs x 8

Dragon flags x 5

One arm side plank – 60 seconds (both arms)

P -bar straight leg raises x 8

Superman plank hold – 30 seconds

P -bar straight leg raises x 8

Dowel torso rotations x 20

P -bar straight leg raises x 8