Sit-Up-Straight-Arms[1]As I mentioned before, one of the positives for me with going back to RetroFitness is I liked the manager who I knew before I left.  The new staff has been equally nice outside of one  woman who is one of the trainers.  She hasn’t done anything wrong, she just always ignores me for whatever reason.  I have been told in the past that often I may come off as distant or aloof to people that don’t know me. The reality is I am rather shy around people I don’t know and I have very poor small talk skills.  So maybe she got that vibe from me and was reacting accordingly.

Well today I walked into the gym and three or four employees were behind the counter, including the manager and this trainer.  I get a happy, loud, friendly greeting from the trainer like we were long lost friends, a reaction I am sure the staff was instructed to give to all customers.   I was caught off guard but returned the nice salutations.  Perhaps it can be the springboard to more pleasant interactions even when the boss is not watching, maybe not.

Today I felt pain in my shoulders and lower back doing extension type core work like ab wheel roll outs and dragon flags.  I tried to adjust my angles of exertion to cut down on the discomfort with moderate success.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

60 second wall handstand

Hanging knee raises x 30

Ab wheel knee roll outs x 10

Dragon flag x 3

Standing side oblique raises – 45lbs x 12

Dragon flag x 5

Standing side oblique raises – 65lbs x 10

Dragon flag x 5

Standing side oblique raises – 75lbs x 10

Ab slant board straight arm ab raises (full decline angle) 45lbs x 8

Roman chair back extensions x 15

Ab slant board straight arm ab raises (full decline angle) 45lbs x 8

Roman chair back extensions x 15

Ab slant board straight arm ab raises (full decline angle) 45lbs x 8

Roman chair back extensions x 15