index222So today I again limped through my sets at the gym. still suffering from pretty acute IT band/knee pain.  It sort of sucks.  I tried to counteract the negative way I was feeling about my current state of wellness by pushing rep numbers in a couple movements.

I opened up up with a set of 55 push ups.  I haven’t done more than 50 push ups in a single set for at least a couple years, maybe more.  Hell the last time may have been when I grinded out a 75 rep set in 2013.  I also upped my hanging knee raise sets from 20 reps to 25 reps each.  It’s very easy to stay at a certain level with your reps for a movement if you aren’t thinking about it.  If you want to get bigger, better, stronger you have to keep pushing upward, one rep at a time.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

55 push ups

25 hanging knee raises

10 ab wheel nose to floor roll outs (on knees)

Cybex abdominal stiff arm machine – 110lbs x 10, 130lbs x 10, 150lbs x 8

25 hanging knee raises

Roman chair back extension – 15reps x 3 sets

25 hanging knee raises

10 ab wheel nose to floor roll outs (on knees)