trigger-point-it-band[1]So there has been some push back from my reintroduction of running into my routine, as I knew there would be.  Last night my IT band on my right side felt super tight.  I got out my roller and rolled the area.  The pain from doing so is enough that I can’t keep quiet during the process but afterward I did feel some relief.  Today however the band once again feels tight which will require more painful rolling tonight.

When I woke up this morning my knee, although it did feel somewhat stiff and sore, was not my primary source of discomfort.  The lower right quadrant of my back hurt like hell, causing me to walk around like an old man.  Surely this is yet another byproduct of the tight IT band and running.  Today at the gym I stuck to upper body activities to bypass the discomfort the best I could.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

50 push ups

20 hanging knee raises

6 belly to wall handstand push ups

Seated dumbbell curls 25lbs x 12

Bodyweight dips x 20

Seated dumbbell curls 40lbs x 8

Bodyweight dips + 40lbs x 8

Seated dumbbell curls 50lbs x 4

Bodyweight dips + 60lbs x 4

Cybex seated bicep curl – 80lbs x 10

Standing smith machine rear shoulder shrugs – 225lbs x 10

Standing smith machine front shoulder shrugs – 225lbs x 10

Standing smith machine rear shoulder shrugs – 315lbs x 5

Standing smith machine front shoulder shrugs – 315lbs x 5

Cybex seated bicep curl – 100lbs x 8