maxresdefault[1]Today I threw some weighted pullups into the routine.  I have not done any weighted pull ups in a very long time and it showed.  I remember several years ago my friend Jeremy and I had a weighted pull up challenge.  The contest was very simple, who could do the most pullups while wearing a 50 pound (haunted) weight vest.  I won the contest with 6 reps.

Today I had a 50 pound dumbbell wedged between my knees and managed a measly 2 and a half reps, disappointing.  When I was on a pull up tear 3-4 years ago and tipping the scales close to 170 pounds I managed to pull a total of 1.5 my body weight when I got my chin to the bar while supporting and extra 85-90 pounds.  That would be a pipe dream right now.  I need to get more weighted calisthenics reps in going forward.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

50 push ups

20 hanging knee raises

15 second static dragon flag hold x 5 reps

50 lbs weighted pull up x 2.5

20 hanging knee raises

40lbs weighted pull ups x 4

20 hanging knee raises

35lb weighted pull ups x 4

Cybex straight arm ab crunch – 110lbs x 10

Roman chair back extensions x 15

Cybex straight arm ab crunch – 130lbs x 10

Roman chair back extensions x 15

Cybex straight arm ab crunch – 150lbs x 8

Roman chair back extensions x 15