StrengthI have not even attempted a muscle up in months.  If I can even get over the bar I am sure it would be an epically ugly rep with a big kip and one over technique.  I am trying to change that.  Today I incorporated three sets of five reps of muscle up negatives.

A muscle up negative is when you jump on top of a bar so you are starting in the locked out position of a bar dip.  You then descend as slowly as possible, trying to resist gravity as best you can.  The area this movement helps train are the muscles used in the difficult transition period where your chest is bar high.  The more controlled you are through that transition area the better off your muscle up will be.

Well as I expected my control was not great.  Once my chest got off the bar I couldn’t control the next 8 inches of movement as well as I need to.  I did my first set of 5 reps on the smith machine bar.  The extremely coarse knurling on the bar felt like it was ripping the skin off my palms as they rotated through the movement.  I did the second two sets on the frame of the machine instead.  By the time I was done I could feel the transition muscles in my upper body aching.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

20 pull ups

25 push ups

Muscle up negatives x 5

25 push ups

Muscle up negatives x 5

25 push ups

Muscle up negatives x 5

Tricep push downs – 70lbs x 12, 75lbs x 10, 85lbs x 6

Standing cable curls – 100 lbs x 10, 130lbs x 5