Wall-Supported-Handstand-Push-Up[1]As I have lamented for the past year or so, I have had a drop off in my physical abilities across the board due to injury, illness and just being an old fart.  So far in 2015 I have been able to halt the decline and start moving the needle slowly in the other direction.

One thing that you don’t really think about declining is your mind as well.  I’m not talking about alzeheimers or demensia, I’m talking about training your mind to be strong like your body.

One thing I have been battling with is that inner voice that used to be a drill sergeant screaming faster, higher, stronger at every opportunity.  I became accustomed to being able to start that next set even though my body was still recovering because my mind said I could.

Well all of this fail I have experienced for the last calendar year has transformed the mental drill sergeant into a senior citizen aerobics instructor.  When I am bent over counting down the last few seconds of my break period my inner Richard Simmons will say “Aw, you are still breathing hard, why don’t you catch your breath for a little longer..”

I will only truly be on the road back when the sergeant kicks Richard in the mouth and starts barking orders again consistently.

Today’s Workout

17 pull ups

60 second wall hand stand

10 bodyweight tricep extensions

25 push ups

10 pull ups

Controlled negative handstands x 3

10 bodyweight tricep extensions

25 push ups

10 pull ups

Controlled negative handstands x 3

10 bodyweight tricep extensions

25 push ups

8 pull ups

Not very controlled negative handstands x 3