s-bicep-curl[1]Today was my first calisthenics/weight work of the week.  I felt uninspired and  not all that happy to be there.  It’s a feeling that has been showing up more often than I like.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

20 pull ups

Seated overhead barbell press 95lbs x 10

Seated overhead dumbbell tricep extension 50lbs x 12

Standing barbell strict curl 70lbs x 10

Seated overhead barbell press 115lbs x 8

Seated overhead dumbbell tricep extension 60lbs x 10

Standing barbell strict curl 80lbs x 8

Seated overhead barbell press 135lbs x 2

Seated overhead dumbbell tricep extension 80lbs x 4

Standing barbell strict curl 100lbs x 4

45lb weighted dips x 8

45lbs weighted pull ups x 2