pushups[1]Today I supplemented my lower body work with sets of 25 push ups in between, adding up to 150 reps over the workout.  This was my first time barbell squatting in over a month so I was somewhat conservative in my reps.

Today’s Workout

5 minutes cardio/stretching

Barbell squat 135lbs x 10

25 push ups

Barbell squat 185lbs x 5

25 push ups

Barbell squat 205lbs x 3

25 push ups

Seated leg extension 100 lbs x 12

25 push ups

Seated leg extension 120lbs x 12

Kneeling leg curl 120lbs x 12 (60 per leg)

25 push ups

Kneeling leg curl 140lbs x 10 (70 per leg)

Rotary calf extension 120lbs x 12

25 push ups